Monday, August 3, 2009

Steve starts a second blog...

So this is my second attempt at a blog. The first one wasn’t so much of a failure, as it was a poorly thought out miscalculation. This makes complete sense considering I painted myself into a bit of a corner by just deciding to focus strictly on specific aspects of culture and a very narrow brand of writing.

The reason it was a miscalculation was because I don’t particularly like talking about things in terms in reviews. If I’m talking about a movie, chances are whether it was good or not, while important to me, doesn’t hold much weight as far as discussion for me. What would’ve ended up happening was incredibly boring diatribes that I eventually would’ve hated writing (and well, I did hate writing about it). Also, it eventually left any sense of self out of the equation, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but it takes something away from my voice if I don’t insert myself into the subject matter. And while that seems very much self involved, well, it makes for much more interesting reading because in the end I’m not trying to be objective about anything (I understand that this might contradict anything I said before).

So here we are blog part 2. I’m writing this thing for various reasons. One, because I feel like I need to get certain thoughts into some concrete form whatever they be. I lose a lot of ideas that I think are moderately interesting (of course I don’t expect anyone else to find these thoughts interesting or even read this thing, that is a prevailing theme of anything I write) and really want to stop doing that and it might give me the chance to bounce some ideas off of people (of course, no one’s going to read this, so that might be a moot point). Two, I really need to get this very loud voice of Kylan out of my head (which is slightly ironic because the only time Kylan becomes loud is when he’s talking nonsensically). He’s the only person that has been a constant proponent of me writing stuff down (and not in a fictional writing sense, because there are a few more people in that camp, which is quite baffling to me) or creating a blog for that matter (although I only know of two people who read the previous blog).

The basic premise of this blog is essentially a present tense memoir (or whatever), where I just talk about anything I damn well please (is it a premise to really declare that there is no premise?). I’m thinking this will open a little bit more doors for me because my main hope is that it will just get me more into a writing mood than I normally am (or rather to the point where I just stop doing plot outlines and actually get a story down, which would make a few people happy…at least until they actually read what I wrote). There’s a good chance that I’ll give everything up within a few weeks (just like last time). The difference is that I’ll be more inspired to pick things back up again without setting up any guidelines (as ill-defined as they maybe in the first place). A general warning though, this is going to be increasingly self indulgent and as anyone knows from hearing me tell a story, there will be plenty of name drops (and I do plan to create sort of a key to make things easier to follow because most people I know only know of each other peripherally). There’s also a very solid chance that this will end up killing me with people I know because I will ultimately treat this as something no one is actually reading (and I doubt that there will be anything to dissuade me from this thought). Also plan to see a number of errors within the text of each blog as I’m not all too concerned about whether the blogs are grammatically correct as much as I’m worried about the content (so never bother me about spelling mistakes or sentence structure). There are also going to be a liberal use of parentheses. So if you have a problem with that, this probably isn’t the place for you.

So sit back and enjoy what I think will be utter crap (I apologize for the lame URL).

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